Car Parking System

Car Parking System

Our system is integrated from the world leader in car park systems. With many years of experience our team has deployed and integrated many car parks. We offer a complete solution including the equipment, the car park management system, the installation and the onsite maintenance.

MODIS parking management systems are built on an open architecture, we are able to incorporate or integrate new features on a continuous basis. When you tell us what functions you need, we come back with solutions

Car parking management

We aim to maximize your business potential and increase the satisfaction level of customers by enhancing the efficiency of your parking facility. We utilize our experience to provide professional parking management solutions.

Since we believe that each car park is unique and require customized management systems in order to achieve optimal operation, we take a systems approach in designing entries and exits, traffic flow, guidance systems, payment systems, and access management of every parking project that we handle.


cp ticketdispenser

Ticket Dispenser:

cp barrier


cp shortreader

Short range reader:

cp longreader

Long range reader:

cp camera

ANPR camera and monitoring camera:

cp controller

Main controller:

cp software

MODIS Parking management software:

 Please click here to contact us to get more information